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‘Challenging You To Be Successful!’

Finalist 'SME Business Awards 2021'

Winner 'Corporate Vision Magazine Coaching Elite 2018'

Winner 'International Coaching Award 2015 Small Business Coach of the Year'

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Office: 01277 362 948

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Business & Strategic Growth Clients

Steven Wherrett European Export Development Manager, Simarco International Ltd

With the support of Tina I feel like I have transitioned from a manager to a leader. Upon agreeing to the course, I was in two minds – my public self asking what could I really learn from a classroom that I hadn’t learned on the job over a 17 year career. But my private self was excited by the opportunity to develop skills that I obviously required assistance with. Through a process of self-analysis, self-reflection and discussing with Tina and my colleagues, it was very clear that whilst I had some abilities, there was certainly work to do.


The course was very enjoyable, and the content was excellent. I particularly enjoyed the DISC profiling of myself and others, in order to improve working relationships, avoid conflicts and spot pressure points. The time management and task prioritisation sessions were simple and effective and have allowed me to manage my workload much more efficiently. And finally learning how to prepare and give a presentation to our board of directors was an excellent way to round off the year and showcase some of the skills learned throughout the course.


I still maintain contact with Tina who has helped me through difficult periods in both my working and personal life and have hopefully established a lifelong professional and personal relationship. She is an exceptional person first and foremost, open minded, with a kind heart and an infinite level of patience. So for anyone looking to take a step forward in their career, this course, or any other content delivered by Tina, comes highly recommended from me. A massive thank you for everything.

Steven Wherrett, European Export Development Manager

Richard Jackson, European Operations Network Manager - Simarco International Ltd

When I first joined this process, I was at a very low point in my working career.  Work had become a constant battle and I was professionally lost,  I knew I had to change but just didn’t know how, I needed help.

Within the first 2 sessions of the course, things started to change me at work and by the end of the 12-month course, I have to say I am more happy at work, then ever.

Tina played no small part in this. Tina’s training sessions were enjoyable and well structured, each session started with a recap of the previous session and then what we were going to learn that day.  Every work day now, I refer back to my training with Tina.

Thank you, Tina, for all your help and guidance and helping me to become successful.

Richard Jackson, European Operations Network Manager,
Simarco International Ltd

Mike Beatty, CEO, Pulse Cinemas Ltd

Tina Dulieu, Coaching Dynamics, has been a rock by our sides in ensuring our senior staff have the resources needed to step into more senior roles with associated expectations.

The team reluctantly accepted the need for a Business Coach but are now asking for Tina’s time to develop their skills even further.

When I head to the gym, I rely on the help of an experienced instructor: to push me outside of my comfort zone. Having Tina in place to push and encourage, whilst steering the guys sympathetically, depending on experience, does precisely this for our senior management team.

Thank you for all you’ve done and continue to do. Everyone needs a business coach or you may be lucky enough to find Tina.

Mike Beatty, CEO
Pulse Cinemas Ltd

Emma Marshall, Director of Finance - Pulse Cinemas Ltd

When I was first made aware that the business was going through some restructuring, I didn’t feel there was much else I could learn, having been a part of it for so many years, I thought I knew it all!


I couldn’t have been more wrong. Tina has helped me more than I could have ever imagined.


Tina has not only reshaped how I manage my team, workload, and day to day interruptions, but she did something quite unexpected, which was to give me the confidence to stand tall and know my voice mattered. There is a huge difference between managing a fulfilled and happy team, to just being a people pleaser. Finding the confidence to manage a strong team has made a massive difference and has been paramount to the change that was needed. Tina has been instrumental in making this happen.


Within our organisation we operate in a very close-knit higher management team which on reflection was probably holding us back a little. We were all so worried about upsetting the dynamic that it was stopping us from moving forward and reaching our full potential. With Tina on board, she has allowed us to speak openly, and she constantly guides us in the right direction whilst keeping us all on track, continually giving us sound business advice on how to become better together. We have not only become a much stronger team but can fully understand each other, the way we work as individuals and how better to work as a team. We have clear expectation of our individual roles within the business and can support each other.


I look forward to our business development sessions every month because they are interesting, thought provoking and totally accessible to us all. Tina makes every session relaxed and inviting and very inclusive and it’s such a wonderful environment to learn.


My team have never been stronger and happier. My confidence has grown, and I feel like anything is possible. Thank you so much Tina, I feel incredibly lucky that the company realised how important the investment was to bring you on board. You have made the world of difference to us all.

Emma Marshall
Pulse Cinemas Ltd

Trevor Scott - MD, Simarco International Ltd

We have worked with Tina from Coaching Dynamics for over two years, where she has been delivering internal courses for our staff.

Over the past few years, Simarco has had tremendous growth both organically and through acquisition and we identified that we needed to invest in our staff and their development.

Tina has delivered an internal Customer Service course along with a year long Management programme for our Managers who are located across the UK.

I have always found Tina to be very informative and she strikes the balance between being confidential and providing you with feedback that can be used to improve the overall business performance.

We have been impressed with the quality of the content and Tina always goes above and beyond outside of the agreed hours when requested, she has become an extension of Simarco.

I personally would recommend Tina to any business that is looking to drive culture change by empowering the next generation of Leaders and we will be engaging further with Tina to continue this successful programme.

Trevor Scott
Simarco International Ltd

Terry Mahoney - Evinox Energy Ltd

It is vital that employees are engaged with all aspects of the business as this is perhaps the most critical success factor of any organisation. This can only be achieved if everyone in the business benefits from positive leadership which enables them to carry out their work including exercising their judgement confidently. Additionally, it is important to ensure that leadership is consistent throughput the business.

At Evinox Energy Ltd we concluded that these two aims could be achieved through a programme of training of the senior managers and directors.

Having been introduced to Tina Dulieu and discussed her work with her, it was clear Tina could carry out this training for us and as a result she stared working with Evinox in December 2018. Her proposal was to present management and leadership training in a series of 12 modules consisting of one day of training per month during the course of 2019.

The modules covering the whole spectrum of management including personality profiling, effective communication, delegation skills, time management, conflict handling and customer service. Tina is always conscious of the bespoke needs of our organisation and the people that she is training. As a result, she tailors each module to our specific requirements based on what she has learnt as a result of delivering the training to us up to that point. In addition to group work, she has also conducted one-to-one discussions with specific managers on a voluntary basis.

Finally, we realised that the training managers were receiving could also benefit the people they are responsible for. In response, Tina tailored each module and delivered the training to all the team members that their managers had benefited from earlier in the day or during the course of the day before. The material that Tina uses is contemporary and when combined with her flexible adaptable style it has an impact and relevance from which we have all thoroughly benefited, both individually and collectively. 



Terry Mahoney, MD
Evinox Energy Ltd

Steve Hutchinson - Saunders Architecture + Urban Design

We have worked with Tina since February 2016 having initially been introduced through the Growth Accelerator programme. We met a number of Business Coaches before appointing Tina, as we felt it was important that whoever we chose we could work with effectively.

We have now worked with Tina for just over a year, and have been very impressed at how quickly she has been able to fully understand the detail of our business. She has brought a wealth of valuable information and experience to ensure our business growth is sustainable. Initially we worked through the Growth Accelerator program to develop a 3 year strategy to take the company forward. In developing the strategy we found ourselves discussing wider issues which have helped in developing the company.

Whilst we have now completed the Growth Accelerator programme, the strategy was shared and developed further with the wider management team. We continue to benefit from further coaching sessions and are now working with Tina on Management training and other business improvement strategies to improve the business as we grow, and maintain the positive results we have already started to see.

Steve Hutchinson
Saunders Architecture + Urban Design

Keith Phillips - Ampersand

Dear Tina,
In appreciation of your help so far, please find below a couple of testimonials from us based on your Coaching assistance and also the Time Management & Delegation Training you have recently provided us with.

May I take this opportunity to say thank you one more time for all of your hard work and advice so far. It's be very interesting and a real eye opener.


Tina and Coaching Dynamics were highly recommended to us by our accountants as a really good and engaging business coach... And they were right.

We have found Tina's analytical approach, coupled with her friendly nature and genuine interest in who we are and our business a real breath of fresh air and internally extremely motivating. She is providing us with the tools to take our business from strength to strength. Sometimes it takes an outside view point on your business to get you to look in the right direction and take the steps to improvement.

Time Management & Delegation Training

`We asked Tina to provide our whole company with Time Management and also Delegation training as I felt we were spending too much time within the office on the wrong things and not enough on the right things. I also felt that the art of delegation was something was something we could improve on.

We hired a local function venue to remove all the staff from their computers and phones so Tina could have our undivided attention and I am really pleased to say that she engaged with everyone from the start and throughout. Some of the Time Management & Delegation techniques are really quite straight forward and easy to implement and it was felt by all that the training we received was really useful. Although we are all still very much under pressure, with the skills we learnt it now feels that this is controlled by us rather than controlling us. Thanks Tina'.

Keith Phillips

Maureen Graham, Diamond BioPharm Limited

“I was introduced to Tina, and hence the Growth Accelerator programme, by our company legal firm. Growth Accelerator must be the one of the best kept secrets – well, possibly only to me. Tina initially helped to get us aligned with the funding and the concepts of the programme. With this in place we started out on our 6 month journey with many aims in mind. As we work as several separate companies under one ‘brand’ one aim was to get the folks from Diamond BioPharm Limited (the Regulatory Affairs company) and Diamond PV Services Limited (the Pharmacovigilance company) to talk and work closer together in regard to growth aspects, business development strategies and company aspirations. After the usual initial hesitant start, but with some fun in constructing and interpreting our DISC profiles, with Tina’s help and encouragement the group started to formulate our business plans and growth strategies together. ”

GrowthAccelerator Clients - Maureen Graham - Diamond BioPharm Limited - Full Testimonial
Click to view

Maureen Graham
Diamond BioPharm Limited

James De Vries - Clear IT Solutions

Dear Tina,

Having known you for over two years, Nuno and I had no hesitation in engaging the services of Coaching Dynamics when the time was right for us to join the Growth Accelerator program. Our confidence had already been more than reinforced after meeting several of your previous clients and hearing how you had helped them.

The program itself was certainly an eye opener, and I learned a great deal about myself and our company. We are now more motivated and focused because we have a clear picture of what the future can really hold for us.

You were so helpful and enthusiastic about the whole experience, everything was explained so well and you were supportive in every aspect of the program.

I would recommend Coaching Dynamics services to any companies who are serious about their future, Tina's wealth of experience and knowledge are an invaluable asset.

We will certainly be working with Coaching Dynamics again.

With reguards,
James De Vries

James De Vries
Clear IT Solutions

Blake Hennigan – Optimus Sourcing

We worked with Tina as our business coach for the second half of 2015. Having worked with a coach on this scheme previously we were looking for a coach who could provide us with a framework and structure, as well as valuable business advice and support. I’m pleased to say that Tina ticked all of our boxes.

Tina helped us create a 3-year plan for Optimus Sourcing, and provided us with tools to manage the steps and more importantly the action we needed to take to turn these plans into the reality. I recommend working with Tina to anyone who wants to grow their company beyond their expectations.

Blake Henegan
Optimus Sourcing

Danny Taylor, Director, Novo Construction Ltd

For me Tina was a choice.

My number had come up in the Chamber of Commerce raffle and I had to choose either a free Pizza or a DISC profile from Coaching Dynamics. The Pizza was looking like a good option but professional Danny decided to go for the mysterious profile prize.

Tina carried out my profile and then took us from the DISC profile and on to Growth Accelerator. We set targets together and used growth tools to identify what we had to do to hit our growth targets. Tina's enthusiasm for us to grow the company was a breath of fresh air; she was as passionate about our business success as my partner and me. Her regular visits served to remind us of what we needed to do to be successful.

After we identified me as the bottleneck in the company's ability to grow we added 2 new members of staff to reduce my workload. This allowed me to concentrate on pricing, project management and sales and with Tina's help I began to learn sales techniques and relationship building. I became more confident in selling and our business was energised with a new lease of life.

With Tina's help Novo Construction have gone from a small building business to a fast growing construction company. We have experienced turnover growth of over 1000% to £3M in two years, with new targets that will take our £300,000 turnover business of two years ago to £20M turnover business within the next three years.

The best thing about our Journey with Tina and Growth Accelerator is that when we set our 3 year target 2 years ago they were just pipe dreams, today I know that with Tina's continued support will reach our new £20M turnover targets and beyond.

As part of the Growth Accelerator journey we were excited to be finalists in the National Growth Accelerator Awards, "The Brave and The Bold", held in Mayfair in June 2014. To be one of 8 finalists in our category when 55,000 businesses have taken part in Growth Accelerator, was testament to the growth Novo Construction have achieved.

Tina has given us the tools and confidence to succeed and I can't thank her enough for all that she has done for us. I would whole heartedly recommend her to anyone who is serious about growing their business.

It appears that faced with a choice of Pizza or Coaching Dynamics, the later has proved to be the healthy option for our business.

Danny Taylor, Director
Novo Construction Ltd

Michael Cole, Managing Director, Prime Light

Tina worked with us for 6 months as our Growth Accelerator coach.

Tina has a strong analytical grasp, excellent communication skills and good people skills - for the 6 months she worked with us she proved invaluable, not only for her work as GA coach but also providing sound advice along the way on a wide variety of matters.

Tina's legacy to Prime Light is that we find ourselves a much more focussed and robust management team, more aware of each other's strengths. Consequently we are a stronger, healthier team with an ambitious yet realistic growth plan for the next three years and a more positive 'can do' attitude.

Tina also ably assisted us in designing and implementing a marketing plan, a staff appraisal system, and taught us the importance of using DISC analysis when recruiting with the aim of getting it right first time!

All in all Tina did a great job for Prime Light and I would recommend her wholeheartedly!


Prime Light GrowthAccelerator Testimonial PDF

Click to view

Michael Cole
Prime Light

Tina Dulieu of Coaching Dynamics is a Coaching Academy Licenced Trainer    Federation of Small Businesses

"I have always found Tina to be very informative and she strikes the balance between being confidential and providing you with feedback that can be used to improve the overall business performance."

Trevor Scott, MD
Simarco Worldwide Logistics