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‘Challenging You To Be Successful!’

Finalist 'SME Business Awards 2021'

Winner 'Corporate Vision Magazine Coaching Elite 2018'

Winner 'International Coaching Award 2015 Small Business Coach of the Year'

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Office: 01277 362 948

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What does a Business Coach do?

Welcome to my 60 second guide: the business information you need in bite-sized pieces



A business coach of worth and value is an independently successful, experienced, highly skilled and knowledgeable person who takes you and your management team on an exciting journey to create your own business success story!

They help you clarify your vision, define the actions needed to achieve it and then keep you and your teams focused on the prize. Yet this is only part of their role.


19% of companies surveyed reported an ROI of 50 times their investment after employing a business coach, while a further 28% saw an ROI of 10 to 49 times the investment*


It's an enlightening process. Conversations are facilitated by asking insightful questions so that your vision, goals and aspirations are clarified and the path to achieve them becomes clear; this sometimes involves playing ‘devil’s advocate’ to challenge and test theories where necessary.  

Identifying and clarifying key pathways, decisions and actions that your team needs to make, then holding those responsible accountable, is all part of a business coach’s unique role. They help you sustainably and profitably progress your business; transforming it from where it is now to where you want it to be according to your vision; a little scary but greatly motivating!

The return on investment in an excellent business coach is often beyond measurement as they will have many roles: a business ‘partner’ who is 100% on your side, a mentor, a confidante, a mine of information, a wise and independent ear. Every question asked and every action proposed is structured to support you and your team with achieving the euphoria of success.


Alongside productivity increases, people who work with a business coach become more positive, and experience improved self-confidence (80%), improved relationships (73%), and improved communication skills (72%)*


Business growth, restructure where necessary, or finding the most appropriate exit strategy should all be in the toolbox of a great business coach. To achieve these goals, the best coach will help  management teams understand each other, work more effectively together and create an excellent culture for the business to thrive in. 


Coaching for business growth - your business coach will:

  1. Help you understand your business now and define your future aspirations

  2. Listen carefully, question and support you with creating plans that enable you to reach, and then surpass, your business goals

  3. Keep you focused, motivated and accountable

  4. Challenge your thought processes

  5. Share their years of business experience and coaching expertise

  6. Support you unreservedly without the emotional attachment of being ‘in’ the business and help you focus on the success you desire.


Can your business afford not to hire an excellent business coach?  

If you’d like further information, contact Tina Dulieu, Coaching Dynamics Ltd, by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. today!


*ICF Global Coaching Client Study


Tina Dulieu of Coaching Dynamics is a Coaching Academy Licenced Trainer    Federation of Small Businesses

"Everyone needs a business coach but you may be lucky enough to find Tina and Coaching Dynamics. Thank you for all you’ve done and continue to do."

Mike Beatty, CEO
Pulse Cinemas Limited