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The Red Cow vision has been realised!

Around 12 years ago I began working with Alexis who owns The Red Cow pub and restaurant with her husband and chef, Toby. It’s a wonderful, grade 2 listed building and lovingly decorated. We worked together for a couple of years as Alexis had a huge vision and plans to turn the pub into a community hub and develop the old barns into accommodation for B&B rental. Recently our paths crossed again and I was delighted to discover that the vision that Alexis and Toby had has come to fruition. Four years ago, they threw open the doors to the beautiful converted barn, which is now 5 very tastefully decorated rooms for guests. What thrilled me - in addition to seeing all of this amazing transformation - was that Alexis said that she’d recently had a review complimenting them on their stay and that the wording was almost identical to the mission statement we created for the pub in those early days!

The Red Cow vision has been realised!
Tina Dulieu of Coaching Dynamics is a Coaching Academy Licenced Trainer    Federation of Small Businesses

"Everyone needs a business coach but you may be lucky enough to find Tina and Coaching Dynamics. Thank you for all you’ve done and continue to do."

Mike Beatty, CEO
Pulse Cinemas Limited