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Orbit - an interactive tool to create a 3-year strategic plan

Building excellent and trusting relationships with my clients is central to the success we have together. Such is the case with the wonderful people at Ampersand Associates, surveyors, designers and technical experts. We have been working together on programmes since 2016, and they call upon my expertise for business strategy programmes and team development periodically as required. We have just finished a 10 session programme over 6 months over which time, we updated their 3 Year Strategic Plan called an Orbit. This looks at every element of their business and is used to determine growth plans.

I’ve been using the Orbit strategy since being introduced to a basic version of it during the Growth Accelerator days (a Government funded scheme 2012-15) and developed it to the next level of strategic planning and functionality, at the time using Visio to manually update it. In recent times I have developed an interactive, agile, easily and automatically-updated new version of the Orbit, with planning information and data of the business automatically linked to the front Orbit diagram.

Planning ahead for every part of the business is very exciting and essential; creating new lines of thought, ideas, innovation and direction that had not been previously contemplated! And so it was with Ampersand Associates!

If you are interested in creating an easily updatable 3 Year Strategic Orbit Plan for your business, please message me and we can discuss the potential and options.

Ampersand Associates Strategic Orbit Plan
Tina Dulieu of Coaching Dynamics is a Coaching Academy Licenced Trainer    Federation of Small Businesses

"Coaching Dynamics brought a wealth of valuable information and experience to ensure our business growth is sustainable."

Steve Hutchinson
Saunders Architecture + Urban Design