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Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall.... Reflection of a Business Owner or Senior Manager

You’ve worked hard, built up your business or department and have a team of people to manage, inspire and motivate while still carrying out your own priorities. Work is busy, time is short, you need to rely on others in your team to deliver what you require of them to the right standard… but do they deliver?

Have you answered ‘always’? Or ‘sometimes’? Or ‘not often enough’?  If it is not ‘always’, then why do you think this is and what should you do about it?

What I’m about to say might be a bitter pill to swallow, but if your team are not performing as you need them to, then you must first look inward because you might be the reason!  Take a look in the mirror and ask yourself these questions, answering as honestly as you dare.

  • Do you and your team have shared and written values and a vision of what the business and team are aiming for?

  • Have you set high enough standards, provided the structure to perform well and put the correct processes and procedures in place for good practice?

  • Are you always consistent in your expectations, fair to everyone (whatever your personal relationship with them), disciplined, in control yet still approachable?

  • Do you delegate effectively with clear explanation and monitor progress without either micro-managing or abdicating from the responsibility?

  • Do you provide opportunities for personal development for each member of your team and properly recognise and reward those who work hard for you?

Such a lot to think about and so much ‘know how’ to acquire! Being a ‘leader’, either by being a business owner or a senior manager, requires great skill that does not always come naturally to everyone.  But, like most things, managerial skills can be learned, practiced, mastered and then implemented with great success – that’s the good news.

When trying to keep all the plates spinning in the hub-bub of business, negotiation, people management and innovation, try taking a step back occasionally and viewing yourself from the perspective of your team members. What would they see? What would they say about you? What would they be feeling about how you manage and lead them?  Would you like the answers?!

Your team will look to you lead and you must create the right image.

Are you what you would want them to see?


If you would like Executive Coaching to be the best leader you can be, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or complete the enquiry form on the website

Tina Dulieu of Coaching Dynamics is a Coaching Academy Licenced Trainer    Federation of Small Businesses

"Everyone needs a business coach but you may be lucky enough to find Tina and Coaching Dynamics. Thank you for all you’ve done and continue to do."

Mike Beatty, CEO
Pulse Cinemas Limited