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‘Challenging You To Be Successful!’

Finalist 'SME Business Awards 2021'

Winner 'Corporate Vision Magazine Coaching Elite 2018'

Winner 'International Coaching Award 2015 Small Business Coach of the Year'

Mobile: 07766 664 564
Office: 01277 362 948

Contact Coaching Dymanics

Effective Questioning and Active Listening

Whilst with the North Yorkshire Moors Railway, it was so pleasing to see their Mission, Vision and Values framed and up on the wall around stations and offices. This was work we did together over two days with an across-the-railway group who worked wonderfully together. It has been an exciting time at NYMR with a visit from King Charles III last week to commemorate their 50 years heritage. What a wonderful organisation to be involved with!

I always enjoy my time with the team. During our recent Management & Leadership Development session, we reviewed the implementation of previous topics and continued with Communication Skills. A particular focus was on understanding and effectively using different Questioning techniques and Active Listening.

If you are interested in discovering more about the Management and Leadership Development programme, please click here.

Tina Dulieu of Coaching Dynamics is a Coaching Academy Licenced Trainer    Federation of Small Businesses

"I have always found Tina to be very informative and she strikes the balance between being confidential and providing you with feedback that can be used to improve the overall business performance."

Trevor Scott, MD
Simarco Worldwide Logistics